Personal Tutoring
On joining John Ruskin College, you will be allocated a named personal tutor. The role of this tutor is to help you achieve your full potential. The tutor will support you in many different ways. They will help you settle into College life, make arrangements for any additional support you may need, set and track target grades and will work with you to create a learning plan that is tailored to your aspirations, skills development and wellbeing. You will meet with your tutor regularly and this will give you the opportunity to recognise and celebrate your success and discuss how you can successfully progress to positive destinations with real employability skills. You will also be a member of a tutor group made up of other students from your course. Your tutor group will meet once a week and provide you with opportunities through a student centred tutorial programme, to share your experience in a friendly and supportive environment.
Client Services
Our Client Services team are located alongside Reception and they will be available throughout the year to help and support you. Information, advice and guidance is available including:
- Financial or welfare advice on grants, travel schemes or other financial support available through the Discretionary Learner Support Fund
- Counselling and wellbeing
- Careers, employment and Higher Education
The College Safeguarding team provides a confidential support service to any students who would benefit from this. You can contact them at
Do you need extra help with your studies?
John Ruskin College is a fully inclusive College with experienced and dedicated staff who will work to help you through your studies and College life.
Additional Learning Support may be available if you have a learning difficulty or disability. All support is specific to each individual and before you start at John Ruskin College, you would meet with our team to establish your individual needs and preferences so that appropriate provision can be put in place (specifically for applicants with EHCP). Together we will develop your Additional Support Plan and discuss your progression route.
Address: John Ruskin College, Selsdon Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 8JJ
Phone: 020 8651 1131 / Email: