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Welcome to your Student Union

Run by students for students, the John Ruskin College Student Union is here to represent the student voice in the College.

The Student Union (SU) serves as a channel of communication between the student body and the College Senior Leadership Team. This helps evolve the College experience for all, ensuring students' views and opinions are included every step of the way. The SU also supports the local community through the voluntary work they do and causes they support. 

John Ruskin College Student Union logo

Three students sitting around a table talking A group of students looking at the camera with a basketball A group of student on some steps indoors, talking


Meet your Student Union Representatives

JRC Student Union President Suhayla
Suhayla - Student Union President

Hi, I’m Suhayla, your SU President 2022/23 and I study Health and Social Care Level 3. I am always open to answer any queries as well as make sure I create a safe space to ensure students can feel comfortable expressing any worries they might have and speak up for those who don't feel like they can. 

JRC Student Union Vice-President Talha

Talha - Student Union Vice-President

Hello, I’m Talha, your SU Vice-President 2022/23 and I study IT Level 2. I'm excited to get involved in this new role as I enjoy assisting others. If you would like to hear more about what we're working on join our fortnightly meetings at the Activity Hub!


  • The Student Union representatives are elected by John Ruskin College students via an election process.
  • The successful candidate is then appointed as Student Union President (Student Governor) for the academic year.
Several students around a table talking
  • The Student Union Vice-President is also appointed and is a designated Student Governor. They attend meetings when the President is unable to.
  • The Student Union President meets regularly with the Chief Executive, Principal, and Director of Governance and also attends the Corporation board and Learning & Quality Committee meetings.
A group of students talking to a representitive from Off the Record

Becoming a Student Union representative is worthwhile and rewarding for those who want to make a positive difference to the College. Student Union representatives voice the opinions and thoughts of the student body to senior management on projects, initiatives and strategy. The Student Voice is vital to the running of the College at all levels. 

Our Student Union President (Student Governor) attends meetings of the College’s Corporation and Committee meeting to ensure the views of students are represented at the College’s highest decision-making level.

Aims of the Student Union
  • To strengthen the community spirit within the College
  • To promote the College's position in the local community
  • To ensure the student body has a running voice throughout the College. 
The Student Union's responsibilities include
  • Fundraising for charity and extra facilities for students
  • Raising students’ issues and concerns at College Corporation and College Board meetings
  • Organising social events, such as the Freshers' Fair.
  • Organising charity and awareness days
Careers Hub logo

The Careers Hub has loads of useful resources to help you with figuring out your next steps.

Check out the Skills-o-meter Quiz or the Career-o-meter!

Wellbeing Hub logo

Our Wellbeing Hub contains useful information, resources and tips for maintaining your mental health and wellbeing. You can also find out what wellbeing support is available at the College. 

Enrichment logo

We work closely with Enrichment and Wellbeing Officer to put together really fun activities throughout the academic year.

Check out our Activity Programme and get involved! 

If you're a student at John Ruskin College we want YOU to get involved!

Connect with us on social media

Social media icons in speech bubbles ? hashtag, thumbs up, heart By following our social media accounts you'll be able to keep up to date with what we've been up to. Be sure to follow, like, comment and share our posts via our channels!

Your views and suggestions are important to us!

You can use your student voice to provide suggestions to our Student Union representatives in the following ways:

Student Union News

Members of the Student Union at the Freshers' Fair
Freshers' Fair 2022

Address: John Ruskin College, Selsdon Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 8JJ

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