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Sport Level 3

Sport Level 3 - Kornelija

Former School(s): Frederick Bremer High School

Kornelija has started her journey with JRC on a BTEC Level 3 Sport course. She has always been interested in sports and “wanted to know how the human body works. The course caught my attention as it covered the whole anatomy and health and fitness units which benefited me in building my knowledge of sports in general.”

When choosing her College, Kornelija found that she was “welcomed by the staff” and “the whole atmosphere of the College was very comfortable.”Whilst studying, she has developed a range of abilities throughout the units such as time management and good communication skills as well as adding to her knowledge of Sport generally.

“My teachers are very supportive and professional” Kornelija remarked, adding that every lesson is organised and planned really well. As her course involves a lot of teamwork for presentations or playing sports, she has been happy to get along with everyone well. “We work well as a team in order to achieve the best results.”

Hands-on experience has been really important for Kornelija’s course. She has completed work experience at a local primary school, supervising a PE teacher. Since then, she has become a fully qualified Personal Trainer, which has also helped her studies hugely.

Kornelija stated that her next natural step is a course in Management, which would satisfy her “personal career goal which is running my own business in the sports industry.” She has received a place at Chichester University studying Sports Business and Management.

Get started on a Sport course today with JRC – just click here to find out more.

Address: John Ruskin College, Selsdon Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 8JJ

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